The Prosecutor’s Office reacts after former Minister José Serrano aired matters related to the murder of the prosecutor, César Suárez.
The State Attorney General’s Office announced, on January 17, 2024, that it will open an investigation against José Serrano, former Minister of the Interior of the Rafael Correa regime, for alleged dissemination of confidential information on sensitive issues.
The announcement comes after Serrano, who lives outside the country, disclosed data related to the case of César Suárez, a prosecutor who was murdered in Guayaquil while investigating everything from corruption in hospitals, the armed raid on TC television to drug trafficking, embezzlement and irregularities in the Police Social Security.
On his account on the social network tax files or investigations that existed against the wife of alias Fito”.
Alias ’Fito’ -Adolfo Macías- is the dangerous gangster who, according to authorities, disappeared from his cell in the Litoral Penitentiary at the beginning of 2024, although Serrano maintains that this “criminal escaped by faking a medical appointment at Regional No. 8 on December 25, 2023 and that the government only “found out” on January 7, 2024″.
The Prosecutor’s Office said it will open an investigation into Serrano “for alleged dissemination of confidential information, due to his ‘revelations’ regarding sensitive issues.” At the same time, he urged citizens “not to spread speculations that could benefit criminals or people wanted by law.”
After learning of this decision, Serrano reacted: “an investigation is urgently needed to determine who leaked information requested by Prosecutor Suárez to the criminals who ordered him to be killed.”
“I will always be ready to collaborate with whatever Justice requires of me. I have not lied to the country nor am I going to lie to it now,” he added.
The former president of the National Assembly – who was dismissed in 2018 amid a leaked audio scandal against another Prosecutor – has also faced investigations, for example, related to the purchase of Dhruv helicopters and the Police Social Security Institute. (Isspol), although they did not prosper.