Prosecutor’s office prosecutes two soldiers for alleged extrajudicial execution of Froilán Jiménez

The Ecuadorian Prosecutor’s Office today prosecuted two soldiers for alleged extrajudicial execution in the case that investigates the death of a policeman during a revolt in 2010, which the then executive, led by Rafael Correa, interpreted as an attempted coup.
The Prosecutor’s Office prosecuted Wilson R. and Vicente N. “for the alleged crime of extrajudicial execution against Froilán Jiménez,” the entity said in his Twitter account.
The judge dictated the measures of periodic presentation before the prosecutor of the case and the prohibition to leave the country for the two defendants.
The Office of the Prosecutor did not file charges against two other soldiers investigated because he said he had no evidence against him.
The lawyer of the accused military, Rafael Perez, said that during the ninety days of the prosecution will be shown that the defendants had no participation in the death of the police.
On September 30, 2010, there was a police protest over salary issues that led to a series of armed confrontations that Correa, president between 2007 and 2017, interpreted as a coup d’état.
The deaths of police officers Froilán Jiménez and Edwin Calderón and military Jacinto Cortez and Darwin Panchi are among the cases that remain under investigation as a result of that revolt. (I)
AHORA| La Fiscalía procesó a Wilson R. y Vicente N. por el presunto delito de ejecución extrajudicial en contra de Froilán Jiménez. El Juez dictó las medidas de presentación periódica ante el fiscal del caso y la prohibición de salida del país.
— Fiscalía Ecuador (@FiscaliaEcuador) 5 de septiembre de 2018
AHORA | Inicia audiencia de formulación de cargos en contra de Vicente N., Gilmar A., Luis D. y Wilson R., investigados por la muerte de Froilán Jiménez. La Fiscalía presentará elementos de convicción en su contra por el presunto delito de ejecución extrajudicial.
— Fiscalía Ecuador (@FiscaliaEcuador) 5 de septiembre de 2018