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Rafael Correa: “Only a 17% of Ecuador´s unconsolidated debt is owed to China.”
Posted On 17 Oct 2016

Only 17% of unconsolidated debt is owed to China, said Sunday night the president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, during an interview in a political television show.
That 17% of public debt is about seven billion, eight billion dollars, said the president, stating that 40% of the oil presale production goes to China.
Ecuador owes about 4,000 million to the Central Bank, he responded to the interviewer Andres Carrion, when speaking of the debts of the state. On the debt with the Social Security Institute, he said that it was a value that was subsidized but is not needed now.
In a first block in which the questions referred to issues of economy, Correa began to lose patience saying, “they are taking me the lesson,” so he asked his Coordinator Minister for the Economic Policy, Patricio Rivera, to give the exact figures of the debt burden of Ecuador.