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Re-election of Rafael Correa is proposed
Posted On 28 Feb 2014
After the ‘upside down’ of the Alianza Pais movement (AP) in the electoral results of February 23rd, Correa urged the Mayor of Guayaquil, Jaime Nebot, to participate in the presidential elections in 2017, to show he has not lost his popularity.
The Article 144 of the Constitution, states that the President shall be four years in office and will only be re-elected once. However, Assemblyman Fabián Solano (AP-PS) said he will present a draft of a constitutional reform to enable the re-election of Correa in 2017.
For a partial constitutional reform, the Assembly can adopt a resolution with the majority of its members, in at least two debates with an interval of 90 days between them, according to Article 442 of the Constitution.
In the Assembly, the ruling party has one hundred legislators and other five partners in advance, something that would complete the necessary votes.