Russian military force is authorized to intervene in Ukraine
The Senate of the Russian Parliament and the Council of the Federation have unanimously approved this afternoon the request of President Vladimir Putin to mobilize the Russian Army troops on Ukrainian territory, particularly in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
The president argues that he made the request to protect ethnic Russians and staff of a Russian military base in Crimea, a strategic region that hosts a major Russian naval base.
The possibility that Moscow sent its army into other parts of Ukraine was also raised.
Face of these movements, the Government of Kiev has put on state of high alert their military combat units. Ukrainian authorities have denounced the mass taking of strategic objectives in Crimea by Russian military.
Also assured that Russia deployed 6,000 soldiers in the Crimean peninsula, where the majority of the population speaks Russian and feels culturally close to that country and also where Moscow has the military base of its fleet in the Black Sea.