Six laws will be modified
Once the first package of constitutional amendments is published in the Official Gazette and takes effect, the Assembly shall reform six laws, 12 out of 15 constitutional articles amended. Only one, the Organic Law on Public Service (LOSEP) has a term of 180 days to be modified by the Assembly.
The amendment to Section 104 of the Constitution so that referendums are made according to the competences of each level of government refers to the Code of Democracy and the Citizen Participation Law.
Reforms to the Code of Democracy come from Sections 114, 142 and 144 of the Constitution, as they contain topics of indefinite reelection for all elected officials and the age lowering to be a presidential candidate (from 35 to 30 years old).
The Code of Land Management needs to adapt to the amendments of Sections 261, 264 and the first transitional provision which refer to the powers of the autonomous governments in health and education and the elimination of the eight years term to conform regions.
The Special Law of Social Security for the Public Force shall be reformed by the amendment to Section 370 so that the State guarantees the payment of retirement pensions for members of the armed forces and the Police.
Two sections that do not require changing the secondary rules are that of integral security of the armed forces and communication as a public service, since the Assembly has already made these changes before approving the amendments. And the third changes the word provisional funds for pension funds.
Translated into English by Pierina Abad