Spanish Newspaper Assured that Chavez Tumour is Back
An article published by the website of the Spanish newspaper ABC informed the resurgence of the cancer of the Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez in the pelvic area. Location where he has been intervened on two occasions, besides they pointed out that’s the reason for Chavez journey to La Habana, Cuba, to assist to the Medical Centre of Chirurgic Investigations (Cimeq for its Spanish acronym) where he would be submitted to chemotherapy sessions.
Emil J. Blasco, correspondent of ABC in Washington stated that “Chavez also suffers from bone metastasis, which is causing him strong pains in his left femur along with serious walking difficulties.”
Officially the journey of Chavez to Cuba has been justified saying that he is going to receive hyperbaric oxygenation, treatment that in reality is not used to cure cancer. Intelligence sources with access to medical files assured that “there is a recurrence in his cancer, which was detected in the exam he carried out during a journey to La Habana, shortly after the elections of October 7. Since then he has not been seen that much in public.”