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SRI applies the “forced collection” to defaulters
Posted On 16 Apr 2014
Through “forced collection”, the Revenue Internal Service (SRI) managed to raise twenty-six million dollars, between April 1 to April 15, thus announced yesterday Ximena Amoroso, Director of the Agency, who also confirmed that this kind of processes have been executed in 30 cities, including Quito, Guayaquil, Cuenca and Puyo.
This process started yesterday in Quito. One of the first actions was to kidnap 38 vehicles of enterprises and natural taxpayers that, despite previous notifications and maturities of deadlines, have failed to make the payments.
After the kidnapping, taxpayers have three days to pay, otherwise, SRI will proceed to the auction, reported Paola Hidalgo, Director of SRI’s Northern Regional.
Additionally, 200 coercive judgements by a total of $34 million have begun, $21 million correspond to the corporate income tax, said Hidalgo