Stem Cells Conservation: An Increasing Trend in Ecuador
Posted On 15 Aug 2011
According to CryoMed statistics, a leader company that works in stem cells preservation, says almost 9,000 families are keeping Stem Cells from umbilical cords of their children as a protective measure since 2003.
With the potential use of cord blood stem cells in recent fields such as gene therapy and cellular repair, babies and other members of the family’s health is ensured.
Andrea de la Bastida, CryoMed marketing manager said: “When you store cord blood stem cells from your baby, you are saving what may be the key component for medical treatment and future possibilities of cure.”
The cost to storage stem cells in Ecuador is $ 73 a month for two years. After this time, $ 149 per year must be paid. (BG)
Source: Daily Hoy
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