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Strong Seism Destroys Peruvian Homes
Posted On 29 Oct 2011
Last Friday a seism of 6,9 degrees of magnitude shook the Southern Pacific Coast. Alfredo Murgueytio, the chief of Civil Defense (Indeci for its Spanish acronym) in Peru informed that the natural phenomena left 103 wounded, 134 homes totally destroyed and 470 damaged houses.
“There are no casualties reported, although we have 103 wounded, (…) three churches were also toppled,” added Murgueytio. The seism occurred at 13:54 (GMT) at 117 km to the southeast of Ica, in the sea in a depth of 30 kilometers.
Murgueytio informed that the estimated number of affected citizens could be 1,220. Indeci took into account the people that were not injured, but had their homes destroyed. (AV)