Summer season means good time for part time job for models
Like every year, hundreds of models make use of the beach season as an opportunity to generate income through Free- lance work that allows them to make money with just a few hours.
During these months, it is common to see a large percentage of models and promoters, from Manta and Guayaquil, promoting beverage, mobile, or clubs brands, and tipical beach products or like tanning creams or slippers.
Many models ensure that work is ideal, because it is on the beach during the high season. They claim that the contracts are for the months of February, March, April and concludes on Easter, from Friday to Sunday.
There are also models, both male and female, promoting not a product, but an event: festival, parade and concerts. During a day, a models can make about $ 100 to $ 150, depending on the hours and days. They also have lodging, transportation and meals.