SUPERCOM sends a written warning to a journalist
The Superintendency of Information and Communication (Supercom) issued a written warning to journalist Gonzalo Rosero Chavez, of the Democracy Radio Station, because he allegedly made “a trick question” to an interviewee.
The resolution determined that the interviewer did not observe the rule of professional conduct set out in Section 10, paragraph 1, letter a) of the Organic Law of Communication (LOC).
According to the decision of that body, on October 5, Rosero made “a question that affected the human dignity” of the secretary of the National Council for Control of Narcotic and Psychotropic Substances (CONSEP) Rodrigo Velez.
“Did you ever lose some kilos (of drug) and for fellowship and the prestige of the institutionality you lead, did you rather conceal the truth?” Asked Rosero to the interviewee.
Translated into English by Pierina Abad