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The abbreviated trial generates criticism
Posted On 17 Oct 2016

4 250 detainees had benefited from the abbreviated trial since August 10, 2014, when it the COIP entered into force, until 2016. The simplified procedure is a type of quick judgment that exists in the Ecuadorian legislation since 2001. However, before the COIP this figure was used only in crimes whose sentences were under five years in prison.
Since 2014, the range was extended. Now it can be applied in crimes with a sentence of up to 10 years in prison. This includes prosecuted for sexual offenses, theft, money laundering, organized crime, explains lawyer Lorena Palacios. For this mechanism to be applied, the criminal law establishes a requirement that the detainee recognizes the facts he is accused of. The application of this judgment formula has generated controversy. The Council of the Judiciary (CJ) already asked the Justice Commission of the Assembly a reform to eliminate the “discretion” of judges when performing the calculation of the sentence.
Source: http://www.elcomercio.