The CNE expects to conclude today the recount of the votes
An unexpected power outage tempered the explanation given by the president of the National Electoral Council (CNE) Juan Pablo Pozo to the press on the counting process of 3,865 vote tally sheets scheduled for today, from 08:30, at the Rumiñahui Coliseum, in Quito.
Even the electoral authority made fun of the blackout coincidence, alluding to the complaint made weeks ago by the presidential hopeful Guillermo Lasso (CREO-SUMA party), of an alleged “computer failure” during the runoff ballot counting.
Pozo assured that the announcement of the absence of the CREO-SUMA delegates in this process would not delay or stop the resolution by the CNE plenary to give way to “a recount of almost 11.2% of the votes.”
500 delegates from each political organization in the country will be accredited, although Pozo indicated he had invited representatives of more than 169 social and political organizations to be witnesses, as well as international observation missions.