The economic light will not come out at the end of 2016
Having a strong economic growth will not be possible this year or the next. Economic analysts Fausto Ortiz and Walter Spurrier agree with that, these days they have met with employers to provide their projections of 2016. They paint an economic future that is not far from the speech of the government.
The authorities believe that 2015 and 2016 are years in which there is a bump. But by 2017 the economy would return to a growth by 3.1%. In contrast, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) believes that the growth will be by 0.6%.
For next year they also have different projections: for the Central Bank of Ecuador (BCE) it will be 1% and 0.1% for the IMF.
According to Spurrier, the BCE estimates are extremely optimistic and those of the IMF only optimistic. He considers that growth could be below the official figures, ie -0.2%.
Ortiz also makes a lower estimate than that of the IMF. In his presentation, made weeks ago, with employers associated with the Ecuadorian American Chamber of Commerce (Amcham), he said that the growth of the GDP would be 0.16%.
Translated into English by Pierina Abad