The Espol will investigate the thesis director of Glas

Pedro Vargas Gordillo
Although the vice president of Ecuador, Jorge Glas Espinel, stated that is “closed” case, regarding the investigation about his thesis, that still remains open.
Through a resolution filed last April 30, the Polytechnic School of the Coast (Espol) formed a committee to analyze the participation of Pedro Vargas Gordillo, director of the thesis “Implementation of latest mile wireless data network for carrier services,” which allowed Glas and his teammate Luis Calle Gomez graduate as electrical engineers in 2008.
The commission that will investigate Gordillo is composed by the dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Leonardo Estrada Aguilar, the dean of the Faculty of Marine Engineering, Biological Sciences, Oceanic and Natural Resources, Marco Velarde Toscano, and the delegate of the Polytechnic Council Oswaldo Valle Sanchez. Felix Macias Ronquillo would act as the secretary of the act.
The resolution submitted by the committee referred to “the opinion given by the Espol is that Glas does not recognize the sources of the quotes, and that is plagiarism,” said Enver Orna, president of the Movement Revolutionary Youth of Ecuador (JRE). The document also states that the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering add an appendix to the thesis with several clarifications, mainly by “the first and second chapters are irrelevant in the context of the report of graduation and that reading should be omitted“.
Finally, the Espol said it should be ignored as an irrelevant “text located after the ten conclusions and recommendations before the bibliography.” The latter text runs from page 113 to 160 of the thesis of Glas.