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The Government´s party had the double of publicity than the other candidates in the first round
Posted On 21 Mar 2017
Seven central government agencies had more minutes on television than the eight presidential hopefuls from other parties, during the campaign season for the first round of elections.
While the advertisements of the candidates were on the air for 467.28 minutes, all state agencies almost doubled this time with 850.28 minutes in 43 days.
The data comes from the consolidated results presented yesterday by the monitoring center of the Citizen Participation Corporation (PC). The measurement took into account ten television channels between January 3 and February 16.
This information was already sent to the National Audit Office and the National Electoral Council (CNE), although this publicity had the authorization logos of the governing body of the elections.
Ruth Hidalgo, Director of the Citizen Participation Council, is concerned about these figures because she believes that, at this election time, state propaganda should be suspended, except in exceptional cases.