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The internal lobbying for key positions begins in the Legislature
Posted On 17 Apr 2017
According to the results of the National Electoral Council (CNE), José Serrano, Gabriela Rivadeneira and Viviana Bonilla, all of the Alianza País (AP) party, will be the ones in charge of the directorate, sub-directorate, and the secretariat of the first session.
The only point on the agenda will be the election of the new legislative authorities. Legislators will be able to nominate anyone present. But the election will be made with the vote of the absolute majority, that is, at least 70 votes. The ruling party will occupy once more these spaces in the Assembly. On Wednesday, the 50 legislators of the ruling party and the 24 chosen by other political alliances will meet to do a workshop at the Quito Hotel.
Franklin Samaniego, a Legislator elected in Pichincha, confirmed the call to this meeting but preferred not to advance the names of the authorities to be chosen. For the presidency, he says, Serrano, former Minister of the Interior; And Rivadeneira, the current President of the Legislature, are potential candidates.