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The political opposition requests the TCE to rule on broadcast of AP´s proselytism event
Posted On 21 Oct 2016

Two requests were admitted yesterday to the Litigious Electoral Tribunal (TCE) on alleged offenses committed last October 1 when seized and public media broadcast live the Alianza PAIS (AP) convention, where its presidential binomial for the elections of 2017 was announced.
The first asks the TCE to ‘clarify’ that the complainant is the National Electoral Council (CNE), and not the National Agreement for Electoral Transparency, which in turn had raised a complaint before the second body.
The second was submitted by the National Front of IESS Retirees and requested the TCE to dismiss and apply a fine to President Rafael Correa and Vice President Jorge Glas, for having committed an alleged election offense during the transmission mentioned above.
Santiago Guarderas, chairman of the PSC in Pichincha, explained that the TCE aims to ‘endorse’ the Agreement for the Electoral Transparency as complainant when the origin of the judging process of the possible infringement committed by AP and the media mentioned above is the CNE, he said.
Therefore, according to Guarderas, the one that must ‘clarify’ and ‘expand’ the complaint is the National Electoral Council.
Javier Orti, of the Avanza party, reported that yesterday, the group of organizations insisted on calling for sanctions for those who committed the election offense and a copy of the dossier forwarded by the Electoral Council was requested.