The salary, central axis for 2016 accounts
The business sector regards with suspicion 2016 and prepares measures to face another difficult year in the economy. The salary is an axis of the discussion.
According to its representatives, there are two factors that will be essential to get off lightly from the financial swinging: the first is setting the unified basic salary.
The figure announced by the government is a relief. According to Richard Martinez, president of the Ecuadorian Business Committee, the $ 366 salary set by the Ministry of Labour is adjusted to inflation. Employees, for their part, demanded to take into account an increase higher than $ 12.
A survey by the international consulting firm Deloitte showed this month that 371 employers agreed with Martinez. Wage increases estimated for 2016, the study says, will not exceed 3.5%, on average.
Of course there are sectors that do not speak of increases for next year. 20% of respondents did not budget more money for salaries. The sectors? Oil, Banking and Automotive. The latter even calls for the elimination of restrictions in the importation of vehicles to improve sales.