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The Tungurahua volcano is forcing voluntary evacuations
Posted On 11 Apr 2014

After 18:00, the alert was activated. Military and police personnel were mobilized for the voluntary transfer of dozens of people.
The Mayor of Pelileo, Oswaldo Medina, reported that many families decided to leave up to their homes in the settlements of La Paz, in Pelileo and others in Rio Negro,Baños.
At the moment, continuous explosions and strong bellows are being heard in the provinces of Tungurahua and Chimborazo, according to technicians of the Volcano Observatory (OVT), located at the base of Guadalupe, in canton Patate.
The Committee of Emergency Operations (COE) of the province is ready. The Governor, Lira Villalva, reported that in addition to the volcan´s activity, heavy rains in the Highlands of the Massif, which caused the decline of lahars for several streams of the western flank, including that of Achupashal.
the Baños-Penipe way is suspended to the vehicular traffic. Two police officers in a patrol guard it day and night to prevent that people transit through the place. Likewise, the cantonal COE of Baños decided to prohibit access of tourists to the viewpoints close to the Colossus.