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Two laws prohibit the dissemination of data
Posted On 29 Dec 2016
Both the Integral Criminal Code and the Communication Law establish the prohibition to disseminate information issued by the Office of the Prosecutor in the framework of a previous investigation.
This includes the names of the people who are part of those inquiries and the details of the investigations.
Such information is legally considered as of restricted dissemination.
Section 180 of the Penal Code refers to the dissemination of information on restricted circulation in this way: “The person who disseminates information of restricted circulation will be punished with a prison sentence of one to three years.”
Section 30 of the Communication Law indicates that the data of the preliminary investigation can not freely circulate and this action is sanctioned with a fine of 10 to 20 basic salaries, without prejudice to a lawsuit for damages caused.
Source: http://www.eluniverso.