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Two members of Pussy Riot arrested in Sochi
Posted On 18 Feb 2014
Nadezhda Tolokónnikova and Maria Aliójina, two of the three members of the Group Pussy Riot who were sentenced to imprisonment for staging a punk prayer in anOrthodox Cathedral, were arrested today in Sochi, site of the Winter Olympics.
“We were arrested next to the Church of the Archangel Michael on suspicion of a criminal offence”, Aliójina wrote on Twitter, whose entry in the microblog was reproduced by many Russian media. They along with five other people were arrested for theft suspicion.
Sources of the Ministry of the Interior cited by the news portal Lifenews indicated that the Pussy Riot were arrested by transgressing the administrative rule which obliges all the people who come to Sochi to register within a period of 24 hours.