UN committee sees violation of rights after seizures
The Human Rights Committee of the United Nations Organization (UN) ruled that the Ecuadorian State violated the right of brothers William and Roberto Isaias Dassum to challenge the seizure of goods in 2008.
The Committee’s response is given four years after the former owners of the the closed Filanbanco bank and accused of bank embezzlement filed their complaint. They also asked for a ruling on the domestic legal proceedings against them, regarding this, the international human rights body did not comment on specific issues or did not rule in their favor.
On the seizure process, the opinion states: “The Committee considers that the issue of Constituent Resolution No. 13, which prohibited expressly the interposition of the constitutional protection action or other special character actions against the decisions of the AGD and included the instruction to dismiss the judges who advocate such actions, it violated the rights of authors under Article 14 (1) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political rights, a process with due guarantees in the determination of its rights or civil obligations.”