UN Will Receive Case Glas Viejo this Week to Supervise the Process
The case of the 14-year-old minor who was supposedly abused by Jorge Glas Viejo, will be sent this week to the Commission of Human Rights of the UN.
Juan Vizueta and Pedro Granja, attorney of the minors had planned to travel to Washington in search of International supervision of this group.
After almost a year of presenting the demand made by the mothers minor, the prosecutors’ office will initiate a preliminary investigation about the case. Juan Vizueta, attorney of the mothers minor said, “We don’t trust at all in the justice administration of this country.”
This morning a hearing to formulate charges against Glas Viejo was made at the request of district attorney Miriam Moncayo, who set a provisional alimony of $ 79 for the baby. Moncayo is the only member of the Judicial Office that attended the case.
Vizueta rejected the remarks made by the Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa, in his weekend broadcast, in which he qualified the accusers of Glas as low-lifes, in his defense to the Minister Coordinator of Strategic Affairs Jorge Glas Espinel, son of the alleged rapist. AV