UNE leader faces administrative proceedings

UNE leader faces administrative proceedings
The president of the National Union of Educators (UNE) of Guayas, Luis Chancay, faces administrative proceedings carried out by the 3rd district to which the school Pedro Carbo belongs and where he served as director and currently teaches.
According to the report issued by the director of district 6, Elizabeth Espin Custodio, to the Undersecretary of Education last February 19, Chancay invited a number of teachers to participate in a march that the Popular Democratic Movement (MPD) organized, and shouted slogans against the current regime. This event transpired during an educational day at the school 28 de Mayo, on January 31, around 12:45.
According to the document, that attitude would violate the provisions of paragraphs a, c, e and o, of Article 11, along with the provisions h, l, m, n, p and u of 132 Intercultural Education Act (LOEI), referring to the obligations and prohibitions of teachers.
The summary was made on April 16 in the 3rd district, whose director is Luis Franco, who as union leader maintained that such measure is in retaliation for statements made by him on April 12 to a local channel regarding the poor state of some establishments.