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Unilever can now manufacture its own sulphonic acid
Posted On 28 Jul 2017
After 18 months of construction and 8 of operation, the Unilever company inaugurated yesterday in Guayaquil its sulfonic acid plant, which will produce about 16,000 metric tons per year, the raw material for the manufacture of detergents. The infrastructure, located at kilometer 25 of the Daule highway, northwest of the city and whose investment was $ 12 million, is the most modern of its kind in the world, said Mathias Laks, CEO of Unilever.
Laks described as a new milestone in the country’s industrial history the inauguration of the sulfonation plant. “Sulphonic acid is an active material necessary to manufacture and produce detergents, among other products. This new facility allows us to integrate our production of well-known brands in the market, such as Deja, OMO, and others,” he said.
Also, he noted that Ecuador is a pioneer in environmentally friendly detergents, as the country does not use phosphate, a feed for some algae, which cover the sea surface and kill the marine flora and fauna. (I)