University students urge Chavez to show his face
Last week a group of university students carried out a demonstration outside the Embassy of Cuba in Venezuela. Yesterday the same group threatened to go to the military hospital where Hugo Chavez is committed, to demand that he “shows his face“.
“Just as we demand his return to Venezuela, today we demand to come out and show his face” and in a few hours if he does not appears, the student movement will go to the Military Hospital “to see clearly if he is well and able to rule,” said the university leader, Gabriela Arellano, during a press conference.
Arrellano demanded to know if Chavez is unable to continue in office, which has held since 1999 and for which he was re-elected until 2019. “He must clearly say it,” and if he’s not fit to govern, the constitutional mandate regarding the temporal and absolute absence of the head of state must be entered in force.
Later the movement leader called on all universities to “start next Monday” protests in each house of studies in demand of a new presidential election if Chavez cannot continue governing.