Using your credit card if you lose your job is a mockery of poverty, says Cynthia Viteri
The first step of the unity will be an agreement at the legislative level, and an agreement on presidential terms is not discarded in the future, Assembly woman Cynthia Viteri, of the political movement Madera de Guerrero-PSC, announced in an interview with Ecuavisa.
Viteri recalled that the government of the citizen’s revolution managed around 260,000 million during its administration so far, and ends raffling off a watch to build social housing, this is a model that has hoarded all the powers longer than any other regime. .. “these are models that end with everything, leave us in debt, with a time bomb in our hands and then leave.”
The government of President Rafael Correa consumed the oil income, pawned our gold, _ borrowed at exorbitant levels, took the Biess funds, and when all that ended up it looked at the most vulnerable sectors of the population: the retired and their pension funds; teachers and their unemployment fund; workers and their profits; and cancer patients.
That ‘Octopus’ State is what has caused all of the above, Viteri said. Now, a puppet of President Correa is required to continue this model that ends up being a mockery according to what he said (the president) to use your credit card if you lose your job, that’s a mockery of poverty. “This is a model that is leading us down the path of desolation.”