Venezuelan Doctors are Skeptic of Chavez Condition
A recovered Hugo Chavez, aspires to be re elected as the president of Venezuela again. Two weeks ago Chavez declared himself cured of the cancer that assailed him, however the Venezuelan doctor Jose Marquina, considers that the president is living his final days.
“Chavez’s cancer is incurable. The tumor is on remission, which means, it reduces it size, but the cancer cells are still and they have no been eliminated with the treatment,” pointed out Marquina for ABC.
According to several doctors of Venezuela Chavez can make his public appearances due to a strong medication, a high dose of steroids that helps Chavez to have energy. These steroids could be the reason for the swelling of his face, its prolonged use can deteriorate his health considerably.
The latest scan that Marquina performed on Chavez, last June 9, in the Caracas military hospital showed no improvement. The doctor dared to point out that there could be a further deterioration in his condition. AV