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Women Agenda in assembly will set the control of media and events
Posted On 25 Apr 2014
The complaints of discrimination submitted to comic programs `Vivos´, `La pareja feliz´, `Mi recinto´ and `Los compadritos´ are still not analyzed by the control organisms, according to Carlos Ochoa, Superintendent of Communications, who it reported yesterday.
Hernán Reyes, Member of the Regulation Board of regulation (Cordicom), said that the only thing that should be done is to implement what determines the Law of Communication on discriminatory content in articles 61, 62 and 63.
The issue of the regulations and sanctions, how media contribute to reinforce and canalize social stereotypes, was included in the Agenda of the Women and Gender Equality 2014-2017, which was presented in the National Assembly.
The agenda also referes to the establishment of regulatory mechanisms to ensure appropriate schedules in the broadcasting of programs, messages and content that reproduce roles and behaviors of stereotyped gender.