Workers celebrate their classic day
The workers, as it’s a tradition on May, participate in classical marches to demand their rights and achievements, remembering the martyrs of Chicago, a group of workers sentenced to death for leading a strike in 1886. Workers’ demonstrations in Ecuador have indeed changed.

Ecuador celebrates the International Labor Day
The labor policy of the government of Rafael Correa maintains a division in the unions that mobilize today in Guayaquil and Quito in favor and against management as part of the commemoration of the International Labour Day.
There are achievements for the sector on issues such as the elimination of outsourcing, rising wages and labor rights but reject the Executive Decree 813 which, under the form of mandatory resignation, has left thousands of public servants across the country unemployed thus they make a calling to “clarify” the so called dignity salary.
With this framework, in the capital, several organizations will parade through the main streets, while in Guayaquil the Democratic Workers Federation of Guayas, the Plurinational Unity of the Left, the National Federation of Agricultural-business, Peasant and Indigenous Free of Ecuador (Fenacle) and other organizations will parade through central sector announcing its union objectives.