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14 overseers are designated for the election of audiences and readers defenders
Posted On 17 Oct 2014
14 are the selected overseers to monitor the merits and opposition election of 61 defenders of audiences and readers of the media nationwide, established by the actual Communications Law.
Throughout the country “14 enrollments were registered: 8 in Guayas; 3 in Pichincha; 1 in Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas; 1 in Imbabura and 1 in Chimborazo.” Of these, six are women and eight men, said the report of the Social Control Subcoordination of the CPC.
Observers will be trained on October 25. At the end of the contest, they must submit a report with their observations.
The Participation Council will appoint the 61 selected to act as advocates for audiences and readers after a month.