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185 public schools have a foreign program
Posted On 14 Jul 2015
185 public schools and 45 private schools currently grant the International Baccalaureate diploma (BI) in Ecuador, said the Minister of Education Augusto Espinosa, and added that 315 educational institutions are in the process of accreditation, as well as there are 6,500 students involved, 6,400 teachers, 900 coordinators and 800 principals and vice-principals trained.
IB is an innovative educational offering that has high levels of academic standards, so it is internationally certified and recognized by universities worldwide. It was implemented in 2006 with the signing of an agreement between the Ministry of Education and the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO), a non-profit corporation based in Geneva.
The goal set by 2017 is to offer this program in 500 public high schools (239 in the Coast regime and 261 in the Sierra cycle) and thus be the country that has the largest number of certified establishments in relation to its population.
EcuadorTimes “The first ecuadorian digital newspaper with bilingual news on the web”