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48.5 % fall in imports by Courier
Posted On 21 May 2015
The rate of $ 42 for Courier shipments of up to four kilos or 400 US dollars has significantly
lowered the transactions. According to the Central Bank , imports by express mail and
postal traffic increased from 53, 4 million in the first quarter of 2014 to 27.5 million
in the first three months of this year.
That's represent 48.5 % less. The representative of the Ecuadorian Association of
Messaging Express and Courier, Nohora Santos, said that about 70 % of its sales
are affected.
He noted that in 2013, about 250 million were imported in this way. 1.1 % were digital
purchases. In 2014, the figure was 0.3 %. The decline was accentuated , according
to Santos, in recent months.