5,632 industries with new electricity rate from this month
The adjustment of electricity rates decided by the Agency for Regulation and Control of Electricity (Arconel) late last year will impact 5,632 industrial customers, that account for 12% of a universe of 46,935 businesses.
According to Arconel, based on an analysis of the cost of the public service of electricity and the rate schedule, the Board adjusted at 1.19 cents the price per kilowatt hour (kw / h), for 12% of industrial customers that use high and average voltage. For the 4% of commercial customers the adjustment was 1.6 cents per kilowatt hour.
Industrialists are concerned about the adjustment since they would have to transfer the new energy prices to the final cost of the goods, in a complex economic scenario for this year. Javier Diaz, president of the Textile Industry Association of Ecuador (Aite) said that electric power in the sector he represents can range between 3 and 12% of the transformation cost of the industry.
Source: http://www.elcomercio.com/actualidad/ecuador-industrias-tarifa-electricidad-negocios.html