A new-born trapped in a sewer pipe gets rescued
Chinese emergency services, managed to save a baby who was just two days old, and that had been thrown into a toilet in a home in Zhejiang province.
Residents of the building warned the police about it last Monday, after hearing the cries of the baby.
Firefighters began to cut the pipe segments, to be able to rescue the baby, but due to the seriousness of the situation, they transferred to the hospital the segment where the baby was and after breaking the tube by pieces the baby could be released alive and still was attached to the placenta with some scratches.
China state television, CCTV, showed a video of the rescue of the baby, who was set free two hours after being located in a pipe of only 10 centimeters in diameter.
Meanwhile, the newborn, who was named ‘baby 59’ for the number of incubator that he occupies in the hospital, is recovering from his injuries, and China’s authorities have received hundreds of requests from around the world to be able to adopt the little one.