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A tax reform that raises expectations
Posted On 23 May 2017
The announcement of a new change raises a number of suggestions from the opposition and entrepreneurs. They just ask it to be a positive tax change. This is an opportunity that can not be wasted, say entrepreneurs. They expect that the new president fulfills his campaign offerings and gives way to a “tax truce.” An offer that goes in the opposite direction to the 13 reforms made by the outgoing president Rafael Correa in the last ten years.
Business leaders also call for a review of payments such as the Advanced Income Tax. Chambers of Commerce and associations expect its modification because it affects the liquidity of companies that are experiencing an economic recession.
Wilma Andrade is a legislator of the Left Democratic Party and a member of the Economic Commission of the Legislature. She believes that in addition to revising taxes, the reform must represent incentives for the private sector.