Ahmadinejad “USA Has No Right to Criticize Iran”
Baku- The Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, pointed out that United States has hundreds of women condemned to death, and it has no right to criticize their country for stoning women. “I have a list of 53 women condemned to death in the United States that are waiting to be executed.”
On this situation appears the paradigm that if the execution of a woman in Iran is a violation of the Human Rights, then “why this issue doesn’t arise when dealing with the 53 women in the United States?”
The Iranian leader asked himself: “Why when people is hanged, the media doesn’t a make noise and when this happens in our country, they scream to the top of their lungs?… if they think that by doing this they lecture the Iranian people, that is not the case. They can’t do this. They kill people in Asia, Africa, afterwards they decorate those murderers.”
Regarding the Iranian citizen Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, who is condemned to death. The Iranian leader stated that the case is done according to the judicial system. “This issue is of no concern to the United States, and the purpose of this matter in their country is a much more serious problem.” Added the Ahmadinejad during a press conference. The case of Ashtiani, 43, mother of two children is accused of adultery and condemned to death by stoning. This has created some serious international criticism and protests.