Alianza PAIS adheres to a recount of votes request demanded by CREO-SUMA
The Alianza PAIS party announced its adherence to the CREO-SUMA contestation petition, led by former presidential hopeful Guillermo Lasso, for the revision of the 1795 minutes that would have inconsistencies. The announcement was made by Legislator-elect Jose Serrano.
“That review must be carried out immediately, in a public place, with the presence of all national and international media, with the delegates of the two parties. To prove once again that they lied to the country, that they defrauded the public faith, generated violence and tried to sow chaos in our beloved Ecuador,” he stated.
Below is the pronouncement of the political organization, in its textual form:
The Alianza PAIS Movement, its militancy and elected officials, inform the Ecuadorians that after having won the 2017 presidential elections, and with the aim of not leaving the slightest doubt that these elections were won with the support of the Ecuadorian people, WE ADHERE to the actions of challenge filed by the CREO SUMA Movement for the revision of 1,795 minutes, by the CNE. And we request that this review is conducted immediately, in a public place, with the presence of the national and international media, the delegates of the two movements, to demonstrate once and for all that they lied to the country, defrauded the public faith, generated violence and tried to sow chaos in our beloved Ecuador.
When we have re-confirmed that they lied, when it is proven that the popular will legitimately and legally granted the victory to Lenin Moreno, to Alianza PAIS, when it is once again proven that they have lied to their voters, that their denunciations are false, that they mobilize their supporters for no reason, we will demand that the actions of all those who committed the grave crime of attacking the public faith be judged. We will file complaints so that CEDATOS, ECUAVISA, Canal1, and other media that proclaimed a false result, hold accountable to the Law.
And we will demand Mr. Guillermo Lasso to publicly apologize to the Ecuadorian people, especially the thousands of Ecuadorians who made up the polling stations and did their work with transparency and honesty, so that he responds to the acts of violence and damages caused in several cities of the country and in our capital.
May this exercise reinforce Ecuadorian democracy, and isolate forever the IMMORAL AND LIARS!