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Alianza Pais should start in October process for constitutional amendment
Posted On 20 Mar 2014
Following the agreement of the Constitution changes “via Amendment”, and prior to determine the type of re-election, one of the major concerns of the Alianza Pais bloc is they have just one year, from the Convention of the movement on May 1, to approve a constitutional amendment draft involving the re-election for all elected offices.
According to the Constitution, the amendment must be approved in two debates with an interval of one year between the first and the second. Assemblywoman Maria José Carrión (AP) mentions that it is necessary to consider the provision which prohibits making electoral reforms one year before any polling station, in addition to the “previous year” should be considered since the call for elections.
Therefore, the Assembly must start the amendment process until October of this year, to conclude in October 2015.
AP intends to achieve a definition of the re-election type before the movement Convention, when changes to the national policy are expected.
The block Coordinator, Adriana de la Cruz, provides for a meeting with President Rafael Correa before this encounter, but there is still no date.