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All the contracts of the Refinery will be audited
Posted On 25 Oct 2016

All of the 400 contracts for works and services of the Esmeraldas Refinery, exceeding 1,200 million dollars will be reviewed by the National Audit Office.
Comptroller Carlos Polit announced yesterday in Guayaquil, in the framework of the inauguration of the socialization process of the new procedure for the submission of sworn asset declarations, which will begin in January 2017 when the new enters into force, which will allow all Ecuadorians to have access to them via the Internet.
The controlling agency announced the measure three days after the Attorney General’s Office accused former Minister of Hydrocarbons, Carlos Pareja Yannuzzelli, and 16 others, including Alex Bravo (former manager of Petroecuador), who integrated a network of corruption within the state oil company, of bribery.
Polit said that for now they are reviewing 69 contracts for a total amount of 1,090 million dollars, and after they complete these audits, they will continue with the rest to reach all of the 400 contracts signed for the repowering of the Esmeraldas Refinery, which had a cost of 1,200 million dollars.
According to the comptroller, in two of those first 69 contracts, whose examination is nearing completion, there are negative results; that is, there is evidence of criminal liability, and therefore these will be sent to the Attorney General´s office.