AP Rejects the Vice-President of the Ecuadorian President Correa

Jorge Glas is the vice president of Rafael Correa
After the decision of Rafael Correa to choose Jorge Glas, until yesterday minister of Strategic Sector, as his vice president, his political party, Alianza País, was not happy with it. During the official presentation of Glas, the crowd ranted, “No, no, no! We want Lenin!”, in reference to the current vice-president Lenin Moreno, evidently this was a total rejection to the decision of the president.
When Glas tried to give his acknowledgment speech, several supporters abandoned the Aucas stadium, showing their contempt. On the other hand the names of national assemblymen who could have worked as vice presidents for Correa where, Grabiela Rivadeneira, Marcela Aguinaga, among others.
However, they were added to the list of provincial assemblymen along with Miguel Carvajal (Defence), and Holger Chavez, this last one awaken the courage among the supporters who screamed, “¡Bolivar asks for a change!” and “¡We don’t want that candidate!”.