Authorities are awaiting Interpol’s decision on Correa’s red alert

Ecuadoris awaiting an Interpol decision on the request for the issuance of a red alertfor the search and capture of former President Rafael Correa, a ruling thatshould be made on Monday.
The international police agency had until today (Monday, November 19, 2018) to respond to the Ecuadorian Justice on whether or not to spread that alert against the former president, called to trial this month for alleged kidnapping.
Colonel Pablo Ramírez, a person in charge of the Judicial Police, confirmed to Efe thatthis police directorate has officially received the indication that”Interpol will give any communication on the matter to the Ministry of theInterior during the day”.
OnNovember 7, Ecuadorian national judge Daniella Camacho issued an appeal toCorrea and three other defendants for the crime of plagiarism (abduction) ofpolitician Fernando Balda in the Colombian capital in August 2012.
Theformer president resides in Belgium since July of last year and is a fugitivefrom justice since he was forced to return to Quito every two weeks as apreventive measure.
Correa, who believes that in his country will not be subjected to a fair trial, he ignored the injunction and asked to appear at the Consulate of his country in Brussels, which the judge considered a violation of the injunction.
Inruling the appeal to trial more than a week ago, the judge reiterated herrequest to Interpol for the capture of the former president for extradition, arequest from which the international organization has not officiallypronounced.
Thetrial against Correa and the former head of Ecuadorian intelligence Pablo Romero, also charged in the case and in Spain, is suspended until both returnto the country.
In a recent interview with Efe after hearing the summons to appear before the courts, Correa said he is seeking asylum in Belgium, a decision that will depend on the response of international organizations such as Interpol.
“I continue to study, I will use all the rights I have to defend myself and my family,” said the former leader.
On the other hand, Balda, who exercised the private accusation in the case that keeps the leftist politician in judicial check, informed on Monday of his decision to delay filing a complaint with the State Attorney General against Correa for embezzlement (misappropriation of funds public).
This new complaint, according to Balda, would be based on the elements of conviction presented in the pre-trial stage and recognized by the judge, which point to the use of public funds for their kidnapping.
Baldaargued that the decision to postpone the demand is because they found”elements that prove the participation of other state officials,”which forces him “to take more time.” (I)