Ecuador strengthens the Ibero-American plan on the rights of the disabled

This proposal, which involves nine countries, will promote and adopt legislative, administrative and other measures that benefit this vulnerable group, through technical cooperation and exchange of good practices. With the aim of including people with disabilities in political, economic and social life, through the achievement of policies that guarantee the full enjoyment and exercise of their rights, the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB) presented the Ibero-American Program on Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
This event was held during the XXVI Summit of Heads of State that took place onNovember 15 and 16 in Guatemala. Ecuador is one of the nine countries thatleads this initiative, which was built collectively since 2017 with thecontribution of other nations such as Guatemala, Andorra, Argentina, CostaRica, Spain, Mexico, the Dominican Republic and Uruguay.
This proposal will benefit close to 90 million people with disabilities living in the 22 countries that make up Ibero-America “and for the most part, they are still excluded from economic, political and social life,” according to SEGIB data. “We are proud to be building a path in favor of social inclusion. I believe that with the support of all and mainly of Ecuador, who participated very actively in this proposal, it was possible to obtain a well-designed program, “said Rebeca Grynspan, Ibero-American General Secretary.
The President of the Republic, Lenin Moreno, highlighted, in Guatemala, the importance of promoting inclusion “that must be motivated from the early stages of children so that people learn to enjoy diversity”. In addition, Ecuador has been recognized for its extensive experience in working for the benefit of people with disabilities, through programs such as the Mission “Manuela Espejo”, in 2009; and in 2017 with “Las Manuelas” which, until October 2018, have identified more than 82,000 people with disabilities nationwide, contributing to improve their quality of life. Comprehensive care through the work of the Inter-institutional Brigade led by “Las Manuelas”, together with doctors from the Ministry of Health, technicians from the Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion and other State entities, the priority attention groups receive comprehensive attention.
Likewise, the Social Registry of the family nucleus is updated, in order to know their situation so that they can access all Government services and programs. “We are willing to share our experience, nurture new ideas and programs that have been developed in different countries, for the benefit of people with disabilities. It is necessary that their rights are respected in all areas to achieve a truly inclusive society, nationally and internationally, “said Rocío de Moreno, president of the Interinstitutional Committee Plan One Life.
The Ibero-American Program on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities will promote and adopt legislative, administrative and other measures to achieve the full enjoyment and exercise of the rights of persons with disabilities, through technical cooperation and exchange of information. good practices and financial allocation.
Respectfor rights
The implementation of the Program will promote and disseminate the recognition and respect of the rights of persons with disabilities and their proper assessment as citizens with rights, duties and obligations. Among the areas of action of the program is the construction of data and statistics to consolidate a system that collects and manages all the information on people with disabilities, disaggregated by sex, age and other variables.
As stated in the Program proposal, unique records of persons with disabilities will be created and strengthened, according to each country, in accordance with the criteria for international classification of disability determined by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the World Health Organization. Health (WHO).
In the educational theme, access, permanence and success in the general education system at all levels will be guaranteed, respecting the cultural identity of the community with hearing disability. And with regard to health, access to services for promotion, prevention and specialized permanent and priority and comprehensive care with a differential gender and intercultural approach will be improved.
Participation in the Summit of the First Ladies of Latin America Parallel to the Summit of the Heads of State in Guatemala, Rocío de Moreno held a working meeting with the First Lady of Guatemala, Patricia Marroquín, where the wives of the presidents of Guatemala also participated.
Honduras, Paraguay and Spain, who exchanged good practices for attention to people from priority groups and inclusion in Ibero-America. During the meeting, to which attended the Technical Secretary of the Whole Life Plan, Isabel Maldonado, Rocío de Moreno highlighted the seven missions that make up the Whole Life Plan, whose purpose is to comprehensively serve citizens throughout the life cycle and deepen the construction of a fair and inclusive society.
For her part, Patricia Marroquín presented the achievements of similar programs that are developed in Guatemala. One of them is “Growing Safe”, of the Ministry of Social Works, which promotes the participation, organization and education in Nutritional Food Security, through the creation of Productive Units integrated by women for their training with emphasis on activities that generate them economic income.
This social program was completed on November 14 a year. It is aimed at providing comprehensive care to people with disabilities and their families, to ensure compliance with rights.
338 volunteers work on it. 82 thousand people with disabilities were identified in one year by “Las Manuelas”.
Theintervention has reached 126 cantons in 23 provinces, where thousands oftechnical aids have been delivered. (O)