Banks sign an inclusion and sustainability agreement
That more people join the financial services is vital for the development of the economy and to create opportunities that millions of people do not yet have access to an account, a card and other services provided by the entities of the financial system.

Banks sign an inclusion and sustainability agreement
Today, December 2, 2019, the Association of Private Banks of Ecuador (Asobanca) and the Latin American Federation of Privasos Banks (Felaban) board the train for inclusion and sustainability with the signing of the Principles of Responsible Banking Agreement, in Quito.
This agreement is located within the framework of the V Latin American Congress of Education and Financial Inclusion (Cleif).
Thus, Ecuador becomes the country with the largest number of banks adhered in groups to this agreement, promoted by the Financial Initiative of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).
In total, there are nine banks: Bolivarian. Citi, Diners, Rumiñahui, Guayaquil, Machala, Pichincha, Produbanco, Solidario. An additional group of institutions is in the process of joining.
On the other hand, there are six principles of the Agreement. Commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement on climate change. Impact that increases positive actions and reduces negative ones. Focus on customers to generate sustainable practices with external audiences. Governance and goal setting towards the implementation of commitments with internal audiences. Transparency and responsibility for monitoring the application and evolution of the commitments assumed.