Blocks request that José Serrano explains his participation in the audios revealed by the prosecutor Carlos Baca
A convincing explanation of José Serrano about his participation in the audios revealed by the prosecutor Carlos Baca would prevent his departure from the presidency of the National Assembly that was requested yesterday by opposition sectors.
Roberto Gómez (CREO) ratified that Serrano must renounce the position and allow a comprehensive renovation of the Legislative Function “so that the Assembly has an address according to the expectations of citizens”
Guillermo Celi (SUMA) said that it is time for a comprehensive renewal of the specialized committees.
The PSC, according to Henry Cucalón, said that what happened is shameful and “that warrants a detailed and accurate explanation of Serrano to Ecuadorians, and must be processed by the Assembly, if necessary, take measures, among which may be the resignation to the Presidency “. The Alianza PAIS bloc subscribed a support to Serrano, because it considers that the complaint seeks to deflect serious accusations against Baca.
The assembly members of the Alfarista Revolution caucus said that Serrano should step aside and not preside over today’s plenary session. (I)