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Brazil hopes to improve its relations with Ecuador and Bolivia, but not with Venezuela
Posted On 13 Sep 2016

Brazilian Foreign Minister Jose Serra, said today he is confident that the diplomatic friction with Ecuador and Bolivia, resulting from the dismissal of the current former president Dilma Rousseff, will be overcome, though it questioned that the same happens with Venezuela.
“We hope that, in the case of Ecuador and Bolivia, there are other ways for our relation, but in the case of Venezuela it seems that it will be impossible, at least while Nicolas Maduro (current President) is in power,” Serra told reporters after attending an official ceremony.
The governments of Bolivia, Ecuador and Venezuela, in different tones, expressed their solidarity with Rousseff from the moment the impeachment that ended stripping her from power last August 31 began, when she was finally replaced by former Vice President Michel Temer.
Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Guillaume Long maintained a harder tone and reiterated last week that Rousseff’s dismissal was the result of “a charade” that “disrespected the will of 54 million voters who elected the legitimate president.”