Camacho spoke about the drug bill
The expert in citizen security, Ricardo Camacho, referred to the draft Organic Law for Prevention, of the Socio Economic Phenomenon of Drugs and Regulation and Control of the Use of Substances Subject to Control, said that the problem is not only microtrafficking but educational.
For Camacho, despite the first chart on drug consumption was positive, the population was not prepared, people were not ready; and the second chart, of possession, which tries to toughen penalties, is okay. “Micro traffickers have to go to prison, but sending up to three years to jail someone who was found with 20 grams is not the solution. There are several alternatives such as electronic bracelets so micro traffickers are deprived of freedom at home. ”
According to the expert, “the Consep was blind, deaf, and mute, it has not been the governing body that Ecuador needed. A pianist was hired for $ 3 million in Guayaquil, that money that could have served for the Consep, we need a secretariat under the Presidency of the Republic that is technical, with professionals who direct a public policy, that are not afraid of any minister who has a strong position in the government.”