Carmigniani assures that Pedro Delgado will have to use the policy
Juan Carlos Carmigniani, defense attorney of Pedro Delgado Campana, former president of the Central Bank of Ecuador and cousin of the Ecuadorian president, Rafael Correa, said he believes that the former official would have to make use of the legal policy taken by the AGD-CFN Trust No More Impunity to cover the judicial expenses of his client regarding the actions he took as an AGD-CFN official. The policy would be in effect until September 2013.
However, the policy that covers legal costs of Delgado was already used in another case. Because at least $ 100,000 were already paid to another lawyer of Pedro Delgado in a case related to EQ2, through the same liability policy. Carmigniani demonstrated this in several documents, two payments were carried out by the seized insurance company. With this documentation, Carmigniani attempts to show that he has not charged any fee with such the policy in the case against his client for the crime of intentional use of false documents, by falsifying the title of economist.
Delgado defender said his client cannot work at this time for the regulatory process of his immigration status. He added that neither he nor his wife have been paid or received the liquidation of the BCE and neither from the Foreign Ministry nor his last salary. “I’ve had to modify the terms of the fees. When Delgado fell from grace I called him and said: ‘Pedro do not worry, I’ll help’. I was a seized corporate lawyer a couple of years and he was good to me, I could not be without being reciprocal, I was shaking hands with someone who needed it.”
Finally, Carmigniani said it is necessary to analyze how true is the issue of payment with the resources of State, he also considers that paying the lawyer Fernando Gonzalez (Delgado attorney in the same case, on November 16, 2011) met the requirements of the law and did not rule out the option that similar payments could be made in other cases.